Thursday, January 24, 2013


These past few weeks that we have been thinking about our SMART goals, I've been having a lot of trouble choosing one I'd like to stick with. I keep bouncing back and forth between "I don't have any goals, I don't even know what to start with," and "There are way too many options for goals!" But that's most of my life and decisions.
More difficult than they technically should be.
So, today, I finally decided that my goal would be to set more goals for myself--a sort of goal-ception, if you will. I've been feeling like I lack ambition and follow-through, so maybe setting little goals for myself throughout this last semester would help me get through: My goal this week is to finish this book; next month I'll finish this other book; I will finish my art project this week and finish at least three extra projects by the end of the month; do all of my English homework this week; etc. etc. etc...  It might sound kind of silly. In fact, it might actually be downright ridiculous. But it also might work.

But then again, I did hear someone in class say that their goal is to read more books. That's a pretty great goal, and after I sleep on it tonight, I might just swoop in a steal it instead of running with "goalception." I miss reading about two novels every month in middle school...ah, the good ol' days when I did absolutely nothing but read. See, I'm already going round and round with my goals as I type this! I suppose we'll see how this turns out...Maybe I just need one of Dr Preston's stupid goals! Haha!

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