Aberration: the act of departing from the right,
normal, or usual course/the act of deviating from the ordinary, usual or normal
--When the dog bit someone, it was an aberration from his usually calm
Ad hoc: for the special purpose or end presently under consideration
Ad hoc: for the special purpose or end presently under consideration
--An ad hoc rescue party formed when a storm came from nowhere and
wreaked havoc on the town.
Bane: a person or thing that ruins or spoils
Bane: a person or thing that ruins or spoils
--I often feel like my brother is the bane of my existence; he seems to try
and ruin everything.
Bathos: a ludicrous descent from the exalted or lofty to the commonplace; anticlimax/insincere pathos, sentimentality, mawkishness
Bathos: a ludicrous descent from the exalted or lofty to the commonplace; anticlimax/insincere pathos, sentimentality, mawkishness
--The actor tended to draw all of the
attention to himself with his overplayed bathos.
Cantankerous: disagreeable to deal with, contentious, peevish
Cantankerous: disagreeable to deal with, contentious, peevish
--The child became cantankerous and impossible to deal with
when he was tired.
Casuistry: Specious, deceptive, or oversubtle reasoning, especially in questions of morality; fallacious or dishonest application of general principle, sophistry
Casuistry: Specious, deceptive, or oversubtle reasoning, especially in questions of morality; fallacious or dishonest application of general principle, sophistry
--Though Jack’s reasoning sounded
clever, it was just casuistry.
De facto: in fact, reality/actually existing, especially when without lawful authority
De facto: in fact, reality/actually existing, especially when without lawful authority
--Though segregation was technically made illegal, de facto segregation still existed in many public establishments for years.
Depredation: the act of preying upon or plundering; robbery; ravage
Depredation: the act of preying upon or plundering; robbery; ravage
--After the chieftain of one clan died
in battle, the group suffered from an increased depredation by rival clans.
Empathy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of others
Empathy: the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, and attitudes of others
--Jane noticed that her friend was
outside crying, but she didn’t bother to ask what was wrong or try to cheer her
up; Jane obviously lacked empathy.
Harbinger: a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another/anything that foreshadows a future event; omen, sign
Harbinger: a person who goes ahead and makes known the approach of another/anything that foreshadows a future event; omen, sign
--In the story, the cawing crow was
used as a harbinger for an impending
Hedonism: the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is to the highest good/devotion to pleasure as a way of life
Hedonism: the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is to the highest good/devotion to pleasure as a way of life
--Roman emperors were notorious for
their lavish and hedonistic way of
Lackluster: lacking brilliance or radiance; dull/ lacking liveliness, vitality, spirit, or enthusiasm
Lackluster: lacking brilliance or radiance; dull/ lacking liveliness, vitality, spirit, or enthusiasm
--I had high expectations for the
play, but the performance was lackluster
at best.
Malcontent: not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances/dissatisfied with current government, administration, system, etc./a malcontent person, especially one who is chronically discontented or dissatisfied
Malcontent: not satisfied or content with currently prevailing conditions or circumstances/dissatisfied with current government, administration, system, etc./a malcontent person, especially one who is chronically discontented or dissatisfied
--Jessica cried, “Down with the
system!” as she gathered with other local malcontents
at a rally.
Mellifluous: sweet or smoothly flowing, sweet-sounding/flowing with honey; sweetened as with or as if with honey
Mellifluous: sweet or smoothly flowing, sweet-sounding/flowing with honey; sweetened as with or as if with honey
--Kaitlyn’s singing voice is lovely
and mellifluous.
Nepotism: patronage bestowed or favoritism
shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business or politics
--The CEO was accused of nepotism when he hired his inexperienced
son as president of the company.
Pander: a person who furnishes clients for a prostitute or supplies persons for illicit sexual intercourse; pimp/to act as a pander; cater basely
Pander: a person who furnishes clients for a prostitute or supplies persons for illicit sexual intercourse; pimp/to act as a pander; cater basely
--That company tends to pander to the interests of the younger
Pecadillo: a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault
Pecadillo: a very minor or slight sin or offense; a trifling fault
--Johnny’s parents made his every
little slipup and peccadillo a big
problem, and this made him feel terrible about himself.
Piece de resistance: the most noteworthy feature, aspect, event, article, etc., of a series or group; special item or attraction
Piece de resistance: the most noteworthy feature, aspect, event, article, etc., of a series or group; special item or attraction
--The artist had works all over the
gallery, but her biggest, best piece—her piece
de resistance—was toward the back of the room.
Remand: To send back, remit, or consign
again/to send back (a case) to a lower court from which it was appealed, with instructions as to what further proceedings should be had
--The court decided to remand the defendant to a drug treatment center.